Underwater Photography Tips - Things You Should Know

An underwater camera is simply awesome for getting those truly unique pictures whether you're at the pool or the ocean. But if you want to get the best pictures, you can't use it like you would a normal digital camera. There are a few techniques you should think about when you're taking pictures underwater.

underwater camera case

1.    First, make sure your camera is rated at the depth where it will be used. Some waterproof cameras are only waterproof and can't be submerged. The camera should have a rating that designates how deep underwater it can be used.

2.    Before you try it out on your first trip, submerge the camera in a full sink or tub to check that there are no leaks in your camera. A hair or grain of sand can get in between a crack and allow moisture into the inside. If it's getting old and starting to leak, you can use a silica gel to help with the seal. Just make sure it's not interfering with the camera's operation.

3.    Also, always remember to wash off after you've used in the ocean or if it's dirty. You don't want the salt to crystalize on your underwater camera and cause a leaking issue.

4.    As you get deeper underwater, the light will defuse more. This means that your underwater camera will produce images that are darker than the ones you took on land. An external underwater flash is better but just make sure the flash is on.

5.    Because the water tends to distort images the further you are away from them, you'll want to make sure you get close to your subject. The closer you are underwater, the less distortion you will have.

6.    If your camera has a macro lens, don't be scared to use it. These will help to capture the small details without getting too close and startling your subject.

7.    If you have a digital camera that you love, you may be able to find an underwater camera case for it. The underwater case will wrap around your existing camera and provide a good seal. As you can probably guess, these cases come in varying sizes to fit different cameras. So make sure you order the correct one for your camera model.

Finally, just have fun! An underwater camera will provide some truly unique shots on your next trip.

Take your digital photography underwater! Find and compare top rated underwater cameras at Best Underwater Camera.

Underwater camera